Monday, 11 May 2009

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

In September 2005, I treated myself to an electric scooter. It was as instant success. Previously, I would go to the beach and sit on a bench while Marie walked on her own, but now we could do little trips together. I described it as watching a film rather than looking at the poster outside the cinema.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming
I had, some time before, come across Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and began to investigate how it might be applied to my situation. I began an Adult Education course in September 2005 and was blown away with the techniques and was also inspired by the content and the tutor.

Jeremy Vine
In February 2006, while listening to Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine show, I heard a feature on the ‘Lightning Process’. I had looked into it a few years before but this was a person live on the radio talking about how great it was. Radio 2 had a follow-up in April, which was also very positive. I later tracked down people before and after they had taken part and I was determined to give it a go. We decided to make our holiday out of going on the Lightning Process training program (so called because it is so quick) about 12 hours over a three-day period.
Next week I’ll describe to you how the Lightning Process changed my life. In the meantime, if you’d like to find out more then please visit my website

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